Welcome to the multi- and interdisciplinary FEWD Vegstudies.net project! (Draft version)
A field of study that is the first of its kind in Austria. The focal point of which is a comprehensive documentation of a variety of subjects pertaining to culture and social sciences.
The relevant FEWD bibliographies in the humanities and the social sciences – based on extensive three-monthly data base findings – are to be found under the respective subjects. It is precisely the social sciences of psychology and sociology that have an important bearing on related topics such as nutritional studies and ecology which are of an empirical natural scientific nature. Humanities subjects such as philosophy, history and theology logically have the question of animal ethics and animal rights at their core, as well as the crucial problem of world hunger and global warming.
At the moment a main focus of our work is to organise at University of Vienna for summer 2023 a conference titled: (Draft versions!)
"The culture of veg* (vegetarian / vegan) gastronomy in Europe, with special focus on the culture of wine and beer."
Information about the German summary at "Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Topographie der veg* (vegetarisch / veganen) Gastronomie in Europa, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wein- und Bierkultur."
We invite the participants of this conference to publish their lectures in the renowned journal Hospitality & Society. It is the official journal of the British Council for Hospitality Management Education - CHME.
VegStudies.net will publish additional practical information for a broader audience at our public website www.VegGastronomy.net
Universitätsring 1,
1010 Wien