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Recommended Citation Format: FEWD at University of Vienna (2014.12.15). Bibliography on Vegetarianism in Philosophy and the Humanities.
http://vegstudies.univie.ac.at/bibliographies/chronological/ http://vegstudies.univie.ac.at/bibliographies/chronological/archive


Main Sources: Phil Index www.philinfo.org , MLA, Humanities International Complete, (Selected sources from CSA-Sociological Abstracts)

“Best of” Articles (Books) on Vegetarianism in Philosophy and the Humanities.


Bramble, Benjamin / Fischer, Robert William (eds.) 2016. The Moral Complexities of Eating Meat. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (Chapter online at: www.benbramble.com)  http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199353903.do

Chignell, Andrew / Cuneo, Terence / Halteman, Matthew C. (eds.) 2016. Philosophy Comes to Dinner. Arguments on the Ethics of Eating. New York, NY, Routledge. www.routledge.com/products/9780415806831

Ciocchetti, Christopher 2011. Veganism and Living Well. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24.

DeGrazia, David 2009. Moral Vegetarianism from a Very Broad Basis. Journal of Moral Philosophy 6(2): 143-165.

Engel, Mylan 2000. The Immorality of Eating Meat. In:  Pojman, Louis P. (Hg.). The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 856-890

McMahan, Jeff 2008. Eating animals the nice way. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 137 (1): 66-76.

McPherson, Tristram 2013. A Case for Ethical Veganism. Intuitive and methodological considerations. Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (August): 1-27.

Nobis, Nathan 2002. Vegetarianism and Virtue: Does Consequentialism Demand Too Little? Social Theory and Practice 28(1): 135-156.

Nobis, Nathan 2008. Reasonable Humans and Animals: An Argument for Vegetarianism. Between the Species. digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/bts/vol13/iss8/4

Norcross, Alastair 2004. Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases. Nous-Supplement: Philosophical Perspectives 18: 229-245.

Norcross, Alastair 2004. Torturing Puppies and Eating Meat: It's All in Good Taste. Southwest Philosophy Review 20(1): 117-123. http://spot.colorado.edu/~norcross/Norcrosscv.html

Norcross, Alastair 2008. Causal Impotence and Eating Meat. Southwest Philosophy Review 24(2): 5-10.

Norcross, Alastair 2012. Puppies, Pigs, and Potency: A Response to Galvin and Harris. Ethics, Policy and Environment 15: 384-388.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1992. Who Can Be Morally Obligated to Be a Vegetarian? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5(2): 189-215.

Regan, Tom 1980. Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights. Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 305-324.

Regan, Tom 1975. The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5: 181-214. Reprint in Regan, T. 1985. All That Dwell Therein. Berkeley, CA.

Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press, Imprint of ABC - Clio www.abc-clio.com.

Sapontzis, Steve F. (ed.) 2004. Food for Thought: The Debate Over Eating Meat (Contemporary Issues). Amherst, NY, Prometheus. - www.prometheusbooks.com

Singer, Peter 2009. Speciesism and Moral Status. Metaphilosophy 40(3/4): 567-581.

Singer, Peter 1980. Utilitarianism and Vegetarianism. Philosophy and Public Affairs 9(4): 325-337.

Singer, Peter 1979. Killing Humans and Killing Animals. Inquiry 22: 145-156. Reprinted: Singer, Peter 2002.

Zamir, Tzachi 2004. Veganism. Journal of Social Philosophy 35(3): 367-379.



2. Further Articles and Book Chapters


Adams, Carol J. 1990. The Sexual Politics of Meat. A Feminist- Vegetarian Critical Theory. (Second Edition 2000, 20th Anniversary Edition 2010). New York, NY, Continuum.

Adams, Carol J. 1991. Fleisch und Blut im feministischen Körper. L´Homme. Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 2(1): 107-117.

Adams, Carol J. 1995. Comments on George's `Should feminists be vegetarians?'. Signs 21: 221-225.

Adams, Carol J. 2010. Why feminist-vegan now? Feminism & Psychology 20(3): 302–317.

Adams, Carol J. 2012. Finding necrophilia in meat eating. Mary Daly's evolving FemVeg perspective. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 28(2): 93-98.

Almassi, Ben 2011. The Consequences of Individual Consumption. A Defence of Threshold Arguments for Vegetarianism and Consumer Ethics. Journal of Applied Philosophy 28(4): 396-411.

Almeida, Michael J.  /  Bernstein, Mark H. 2000. Opportunistic Carnivorism. Journal of Applied Philosophy 17(2): 205-212?

Anderson, Michael W. 1999. Field of Forgotten Dreams: The Ill-Fated Vegetarian Colony in Kansas. Kansas Heritage 7(3): 13-16.

Alward, Peter 2000. The Naive Argument against Moral Vegetarianism. Environmental Values 9(1): 81-89.

Auxter, Thomas 1979. The Right Not to Be Eaten. Inquiry 22: 221-230.

Bailey, Cathryn 2007. We Are What We Eat: Feminist Vegetarianism and the Reproduction of Racial Identity. Hypatia 22(2): 39-59.

Bauberot, Arnaud 2008. Hygienic Reform Project of Lifestyle: Naturists and Vegetarians during the Belle Epoque. French Politics, Culture and Society 26(3): 1 -22.

Benatar, David 2001. Why the Naive Argument against Moral Vegetarianism Really is Naive. Environmental Values 10(1): 103-112.

Benbow, Heather Merle 2006. "Was auf den Tisch kam, mußte aufgegessen […] werden": Food, Gender, and Power in Kafka's Letters and Stories. German Quarterly 79(3): 347-365.

Bibel, Barbara 2011. Reviewed Item: Puskar. Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism Santa Barbara, CA. Booklist 107(9/10): 117.

Bratanova, Boyka  / Loughnan, Steve / Bastian, Brock 2011. The effect of categorization as food on the perceived moral standing of animals. Appetite 57: 193-196.

Breuss, Susanne 2007.08.18. Fleischlos in eine bessere Welt - Ausstellung "Im Wirtshaus. Eine Geschichte der Wiener Geselligkeit" im Wien Museum am Karlsplatz. Wiener Zeitung:

Callicott, Baird J. 1998. 'Back Together Again' Again. Environmental Values 7(4): 461-475.

Calarco, Matthew 2004. Deconstruction Is Not Vegetarianism: Humanism, Subjectivity, and Animal Ethics. Continental Philosophy Review 37(2): 175-201.

Calvert, Samantha Jane 2007. A Taste of Eden: Modern Christianity and Vegetarianism. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 58(3): 461-481.

Chartier, Gary 2006. On the Threshold Argument against Consumer Meat Purchases. Journal of Social Philosophy 37(2): 233-249.

Chiou, Lang-Roy / Chen, Chin-Hung  / Chiang, Ching-San   2009. Modern Menu Classics of Vegetarian Restaurant in Research - LOHAS Orient. In. ISSAT - International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design. Proeeding: 296-300.

Ciocchetti, Christopher 2011. Veganism and Living Well. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24. www.springerlink.com/content/n1053843r1u1lq15

Cohen, Carl 2004. A Critique of the Alleged Moral Basis of Vegetarianism. In:  Sapontzis, Steven F. (ed.). Food for Thought: The Debate over Eating Meat. Amherst, Prometheus: 152-166.

Comstock, Gary 1994. Might morality require veganism? Introduction. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 6: 3-6.

Copelton, Denise A. 2006: Maurer. Reviewed Item: Maurer, Donna 2002. Vegetarianism. Movement or Moment? Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press. Food and Foodways 41: 55-58.

Corse, Taylor 2010. Dryden's "Vegetarian" Philosopher: Pythagoras. Eighteenth-Century Life 34(1): 1-28.

Crisp, Roger 1988. Utilitarianism and Vegetarianism. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 4: 41-49.

Crous, Marius 2012. Eben Venter as gewete van die vleiseters. Journal of Literary Studies 28(1): 69-79.

Curnutt, Jordan 1997. A New Argument for Vegetarianism. Journal of Social Philosophy 23(3): 53-172.

Curtin, Deane 1991. Toward an Ecological Ethic of Care. Contextual Moral Vegetarianism. Hypatia 6(1): 60-74.

David, William H. 1976. Man-Eating Aliens. Journal of Value Inquiry 10: 178-185.

Davis, Steven L. 2003. The Least Harm Principle May Require That Humans Consume a Diet Containing Large Herbivores, Not a Vegan Diet. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16: 387–394.

Deckers, Jan 2009. Vegetarianism, Sentimental or Ethical? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22(6): 573-597.

DeGrazia, David 2009. Moral Vegetarianism from a Very Broad Basis. Journal of Moral Philosophy 6(2): 143-165.

Delahoyde, Michael / Despenich, Susan C. 1994. Creating Meat-Eaters: The Child as Advertising Target. Journal of Popular Culture 28(1): 135-149.

Devine, Philip E. 1978. The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism. Philosophy 53: 481-505.

Devries, Juliana 2012. Making Choices. Ethics and Vegetarianism Making Choices. Ethics and Vegetarianism. Dissent 59(2): 39-41.

Diamond, Cora 1978. Eating Meat and Eating People. Philosophy 53: 465-479.

Dieteren, Fia 2011. The animal-free food. A vegetarian history of the Netherlands. BMGN: The Low Countries Historical Review 126(3): 118-120 See also: Dieteren, Fia 2009. Het dierloze gerecht. Een vegetarische geschiedenis van Nederland (Dissertatie Utrecht). Amsterdam, Boom.

Dixon, Nicholas 1995. A Utilitarian Argument for Vegetarianism. Between the Species 11(3-4): 90-97.

Egonsson, Dan 1997. Kant's Vegetarianism. Journal of Value Inquiry: 31(4) 473-483.

Engel, Mylan 2000. The Immorality of Eating Meat. In:  Pojman, Louis P. (ed.). The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 856-890

Fessler, Daniel /  et al. 2003. Disgust sensitivity and meat consumption: a test of an emotivist account of moral vegetarianism. Appetite 41: 31-41.

Fiddes, Nick 1991. Meat. A Natural Symbol. London, Routledge.

Fiddes, Nick 1997. Declining Meat: Past, Present . . . and Future Imperfect? In. Caplan, Pat (ed.). Food, Health, and Identity. London, Routledge: 252-266.

Fiddes, Nick ³2001, ²1998, 1993. Fleisch. Symbol der Macht (1991. Meat: A Natural Symbol). Frankfurt a. M., Zweitausendeins.

Fitzgerald, Amy J. /  Kalof, Linda /  Dietz, Thomas 2009. Slaughterhouses and Increased Crime Rates: An Empirical Analysis of the Spillover From "The Jungle" into the Surrounding Area. Organization and Environment 22(2): 158-184.

Fitzgerald, Amy J. 2010. A Social History of the Slaughterhouse: From Inception to Contemporary Implications. Human Ecology Review 17(1): 58-69.

Fox, Michael Allen 2006. Why We Should Be Vegetarians. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 20(2): 295-310.   

Fox, Michael Allen 2006. Reviewed Item: Sapontzis, Steve F; (2004). Food for Thought: The Debate over Eating Meat. Environmental Values 15(2): 264-267.

Francione, Gary L. 2012. Animal Welfare, Happy Meat, and Veganism as the Moral Baseline (Online: The Problem of Happy Meat and the Importance of Vegan Education). In. Kaplan, David M. (Ed.). The Philosophy of Food. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press: 169-189.

Fudge, Erica 2010. Why it's easy being a vegetarian. Textual Practice 24(1): 149-166.

Gale, Catharine R. /  et al. 2007. IQ in childhood and vegetarianism in adulthood: 1970 British cohort study. British Medical Journal 334(7587): 245-249 sea also  Editorial. BMJ 2007;334:216-7  Childhood intelligence and being a vegetarian.

Gallup 2012.07.26. In U.S., 5% Consider Themselves Vegetarians. http://www.gallup.com/poll/156215/Consider-Themselves-Vegetarians.aspx?

Garrett, Jeremy 2007. Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Human Health: A Response to the Causal Impotence Objection. Journal of Applied Philosophy 24(3): 223-237.

Gastronomica. The Journal of Food and Culture http://www.gastronomica.org

Gastronomica 2003. Rumblings from the World of Food: Lists vegetarian restaurants found in Paris. Gastronomica 3(4).

George, Kathryn Paxton 1990. So Animal a Human..., or the Moral Relevance of Being An Omnivore. Journal of Agricultural Ethics 3: 172-186.

George, Kathryn Paxton 1992. The Use and Abuse of Scientific Studies: Reply. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5(2): 217-233.

George, Kathryn Paxton 1994. Discrimination and Bias in the Vegan Ideal. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 7(1): 19-28.

George, Kathryn Paxton 1994. Use and Abuse Revisited: Response to Pluhar and Varner. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 7(1): 41-76.

Gross, Joan 2009. Capitalism and Its Discontents: Back-to-the-Lander and Freegan Foodways in Rural Oregon. Food and Foodways 17: 57-79.

Grossman, Jeff 2004. Vegan with a vengeance. Psychology Today 37(2): 16 http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200404/vegan-vengeance.

Gruber, Manuela 2012. Ernährungsverhalten im Wandel. Die Zukunft is(s)t Vegetarisch. Epikur Journal(1): http://www.epikur-journal.at

Guerrini, Anita 1999. A Diet for a Sensitive Soul: Vegetarianism in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Eighteenth-Century Life 23(2): 34-42.

Gvion-Rosenberg, Liora 1990. Why Do Vegetarian Restaurants Serve Hamburgers? Toward an Understanding of a Cuisine. Semiotica 80(1-2): 49-60.

Hamilton, Malcolm 2000. Eating Ethically: 'Spiritual' and 'Quasi-religious' Aspects of Vegetarianism. Journal of Contemporary Religion 15(1): 65 - 83.

Hamilton, Malcolm 2006. Eating death: vegetarianism, meat and violence. Food, Culture & Society 9(2): 155-177.

Harris, John Richard / Galvin, Richard 2012. Pass the Cocoamone, Please. Causal Impotence, Opportunistic Vegetarianism and Act-Utilitarianism. Ethics, Policy and Environment 15: 368-383.

Harrison, Jonathan 2009. The Vagaries of Vegetarianism. Ratio 21(3): 286-299.

Häußler, Angela 2011. Dimension Gesellschaft: Fleisch essen aus sozialer und kultureller Perspektiven. In. Hoffmann, Ingrid / Schneider, Katja / Leitzmann, Claus (Ed.). Ernährungsökologie: Komplexen Herausforderungen integrativ begegnen. München, Oekom Verlag: 63-75.

Haynes, Richard P. 2008. Reviewed Item: Sapontzis, Steve F. (2004). Food for Thought. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21(1): 99-105.

Haynes, Richard P. 2012. The Myth of Happy Meat. In. Kaplan, David M. (Ed.). The Philosophy of Food. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press: 161-168.

Heinz, Bettina / Lee, Ronald  1998. Getting down to the meat: The symbolic construction of meat consumption. Communication Studies 49(1): 86-99.

Herzog, Harold A. 1993. “The movement is my life”: The psychology of animal rights activism. Journal of Social Issues 49: 103 - 119.

Herzog, Harold A. / Golden, Lauren L. 2009. Moral Emotions and Social Activism: The Case of Animal Rights. Journal of Social Issues 65(3): 485-498.

Herzog, Harold A. / Childers, Morgan 2009. Motivations For Meat Consumption Among Ex-Vegetarians. Meeting of the International Society for Anthrozoology. http://posters.isaz.net/posterDisplay.php?posterID=47  

Herzog, Harold A. 2010. Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard to Think Straight About Animals. New York, NY, Harper & Row.

Herzog, Harold A. 2012. Wir streicheln und wir essen sie: Unser paradoxes Verhältnis zu Tieren. München, Hanser.

Hudson, Hud 1993. Collective Responsibility and Moral Vegetarianism. Journal of Social Philosophy 24: 89-104.

Hussar, Karen M. /  Harris, Paul L. 2010. Children Who Choose Not to Eat Meat: A Study of Early Moral Decision-making. Social Development 19(3): 627-641.

Izmirli, Serdar   /  Phillips, Clive J.C. 2011. The relationship between student consumption of animal products and attitudes to animals in Europe and Asia. British Food Journal 113(3): 436-450.

Keller, Markus 2012. Von der Mode zur bewussten Haltung. Vegetarismus und andere alternative Ernährungskonzepte. In. Bartmann, Wolfgang (ed.). Not für die Welt. Ernährung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Gütersloh, Brockhaus: 252-281.

Kellman, Steven G. 1995. Food fights in Iowa: The vegetarian stranger in recent midwest fiction. Virginia Quarterly Review 71(3): 435-448.

Kellman, Steven G. 2000. Fish, Flesh, and Foul. American Scholar 69(4): 85-97.

(- vegetarians today suffer merely a species of social death.)

Kloppenburg, Inken (ed.) 2009. Der große Larousse Gastronomique. Das Standardwerk für Küche, Kochkunst, Esskultur. 4000 Einträge, 1700 Fotos, 2500 Rezepte. München, Christian-Verlag. (Seite 900: Vegane Kost und Vegetarismus).

Kokeny, Tibor 2009. The History of Vegetarianism in Hungary (Original Title: A magyarorszagi veget arizmus tortenete). Tarsadalomkutatas 27(2): 203-225.

Krämer, Hans Martin 2009. “Not Befitting Our Divine Country”: Eating Meat in Japanese Discourses of Self and Other from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Food and Foodways 16(1): 32-62.

Kreilkamp, Ivan 2005. Petted Things: "Wuthering Heights" and the Animal. Yale Journal of Criticism 18(1): 87-110.

Lamey, Andy 2007. Food Fight! Davis versus Regan on the Ethics of Eating Beef. Journal of Social Philosophy 38(2): 331-348.

LeBlanc, Ronald D. 2009. Slavic Sins of the Flesh: Food, Sex, and Carnal Appetite in Nineteenth-Century Russian Fiction. Durham, Univ. of New Hampshire Press.

LeBlanc, Ronald D. 2010. Reviewed Item: Preece, Rod 2008. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought. Vancouver, B.C., University of British Columbia Press. Gastronomica 10(3): 114-116.

Lee, Paula Young (ed.) 2008. Meat, Modernity, and the Rise of the Slaughterhouse. Hanover, NH, University of New Hampshire.

Lenz, Robin 2012. Reviewed Item: Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism Santa Barbara, CA, . Gastronomica 12(2): 18.

Lerner, Franz / Steinbach, Kurt P. (eds.) 1975. Lebendiges Fleischerhandwerk. Ein Blick in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main, Deutscher Fleischer-Verband.

Li, Hon-Lam 2002. Animal research, non-vegetarianism, and the moral status of animals - Understanding the impasse of the animal rights problem. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27(5): 589-615.

Lindemana, Marjaana 2002. The state of mind of vegetarians: Psychological well-being or distress? Ecology of Food and Nutrition 41(1): 75 - 86.

Linnemann, Manuela 1998. Tierrecht (lat.ius animalium, ius bestiale; eng. animal[s`] rights; ital. diritti degli animali). In. Ritter, Joachim / Gründer, Karlfried (Hrsg.). Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie - HWbPh. Basel, Schwabe Verlag: 1217-1221.

Linnemann, Manuela (ed.) 2000. Brüder - Bestien - Automaten. Das Tier im abendländischen Denken. Erlangen, Harald Fischer Verlag.

Linnemann, Manuela (ed.) 2006. Der Weg allen Fleisches. Das Motiv des Schlachtens in der Literatur. Erlangen, Harald Fischer Verlag.

Loughnan, Steve /  Haslam, Nick /  Bastian, Brock 2010. The role of meat consumption in the denial of moral status and mind to meat animals. Appetite 55: 156-159.

Lucas, Sheri 2005. A Defense of the Feminist-Vegetarian Connection. Hypatia 20(1): 150-177.

Lusk, Jayson L. / Norwood, Bailey F.   2009. Some Economic Benefits and Costs of Vegetarianism. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 38(2): 109-124.

Macho, Thomas 2001. Lust auf Fleisch? Kulturhistorische Überlegungen zu einem ambivalenten Genuss. In. Neumann, Gerhard / et al. (Hg.). Essen und Lebensqualität. Natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Frankfurt a. M., Campus Verlag: 157-174.

MacNair, Rachel 1998. The psychology of becoming a vegetarian. Vegetarian Nutrition: An International Journal 2: 96-102.

MacNair, Rachel 2001. Commentary: McDonald's "Empirical Look at Becoming Vegan. Society and Animals 9: 63-69.

MacNair, Rachel 2001? Bibliography on the Psychology and Sociology of Becoming or Remaining Vegetarian and/or Vegan.  www.rachelmacnair.com 

Maddison, Isobel 2010. 'Trespassers will be Prosecuted': Dorothy Richardson Among the Fabians. Literature and History 19(2): 52-68.

Marcus, Paul 2008. Victory through vegetables: Self-mastery through a vegetarian way of life. Psychoanalytic Review 95(1): 61-77.

Martín-i-Pardo, Meritxell 2006. Colombo cabri or vegetarian meal: wherein lies the power?  Anthropology of Food. 5(Mai). online http://aof.revues.org/index89.html.

Martin, Michael 1976. A Critique of Moral Vegetarianism. Reason Papers: 13-43.

Matheny, Gaverick 2003. Least Harm: A Defense of Vegetarianism from Steven Davis's Omnivorous Proposal. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16(5): 505-511.

Matheny, Gaverick /  Chan, Kai M. A. 2005. Human Diets and Animal Welfare: The Illogic of the Larder. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18(6): 579-594.

Matheson, Neill 2011. Thoreau's Inner Animal. Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 67(4): 1-26.

Maurer, Donna 1995. Meat as a Social Problem: Rhetorical Strategies in the Contemporary Vegetarian Literature. In:  Maurer, Donna /  Sobal, Jeffery (Hg.). Eating Agendas: Food and Nutrition as Social Problems. Hawthorne, NY, De Gruyter: 143-163.

Maurer, Donna 1997. Vegetarianism. In:  Roth, John K. (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Social Issues. New York, NY, Cavendish Publishing.

Maurer, Donna 1997. The Vegetarian Movement in North America. (Ph.D.).

Maurer, Donna 1999. Too Skinny or Vibrant and Healthy? Weight Management in the Vegetarian Movement. In. Sobal, Jeffery / Maurer, Donna (Ed.). Weighty Issues: Fatness and Thinness as Social Problems. Hawthorne, NY, Aldine de Gruyter: 209-229.

Maurer, Donna 2001. Vegetarianism. In:  Kurian, George Thomas (ed.). Encyclopedia of American Studies. New York, Grolier.

Maurer, Donna 2002. Vegetarianism. Movement or Moment? (1997 Ph.D.). Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press.

Maurer, Donna 2008. The Vegetarian Movement. In. Parrillo, Vincent N. (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publication.

McDonald, Barbara /  Cervero, Ronald M. /  Courtenay, Bradley C. 1999. An Ecological Perspective of Power in Transformational Learning. A Case Study of Ethical Vegans. Adult Education Quarterly 50(1): 5-23.

McDonald, Barbara 2000. Once you know something, you can’t not know it: An empirical look at becoming vegan. Society and Animals 8: 1-23.

McGinn, Colin 1991.01.24. Eating animals is wrong. London Review of Books: 14 ff.

McGrath, Emma  2000. The Politics of Veganism. Social Alternatives - www.socialalternatives.com 19(4): 50-59.

McKenna, Erin 1994. Feminism and Vegetarianism: A Critique of Peter Singer. Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1: 28-35.

McPherson, Tristram 2013. A Case for Ethical Veganism. Intuitive and methodological considerations. Journal of Moral Philosophy 10(August): 1-27.

Medoro, Dana 2012. Reviewed Item: Preece, Rod 2008. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought. Vancouver, B.C., University of British Columbia Press. University of Toronto Quarterly 81(3): 665-666.

Michael, Emily 1991. Vegetarianism and Virtue: On Gassendi's Epicurean Defense. Between the Species 7: 61-72.

Miller, Ian 2010. Reviewd Item: Gregory, James 2007. Of Victorians and Vegetarians. The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain.. London, Tauris. Medical History 54(3): 415-416.

Miller, Ian 2011. Evangelicalism and the Early Vegetarian Movement in Britain c.1847-1860. Journal of Religious History 35: 199-210.

Nibert, David 2007. The Promotion of "Meat" and its Consequences. In:  Kalof, Linda /  Fitzgerald, Amy J. (eds.). The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings. Oxford, Berg: 182-189.

Nobis, Nathan 2002. Vegetarianism and Virtue: Does Consequentialism Demand Too Little? Social Theory and Practice 28(1): 135-156.

Nobis, Nathan 2008. Reasonable Humans and Animals: An Argument for Vegetarianism. Between the Species. digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/bts/vol13/iss8/4

Norcross, Alastair 2004. Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases. Nous-Supplement: Philosophical Perspectives 18: 229-245.

Norcross, Alastair 2004. Torturing Puppies and Eating Meat: It's All in Good Taste. Southwest Philosophy Review 20(1): 117-123.

Norcross, Alastair 2008. Causal Impotence and Eating Meat. Southwest Philosophy Review 24(2): 5-10.

Norcross, Alastair 2012. Puppies, Pigs, and Potency: A Response to Galvin and Harris. Ethics, Policy and Environment 15: 384-388.

Overall, Christine 2012. "Never eat anything with a face": Ontology and ethics. Planning Theory 11(4): 336-342.

Perrett, Roy W. 1993. Moral Vegetarianism and the Indian Tradition. In:  Smart, Ninian (ed.). Ethical and Political Dilemmas of Modern India. New York, St Martin's Pr.

Ploeger, Angelika / Hirschfelder, Gunther / Schönberger, Gesa (eds.) 2011. Die Zukunft auf dem Tisch. Analysen, Trends und Perspektiven der Ernährung von morgen. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1988. When is it morally acceptable to kill animals? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1(3): 211-224.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1988. Speciesism: A Form of Bigotry or a Justified View? Between the Species 4: 83-96.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1990. Utilitarian Killing, Replacement, and Rights. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3(2): 147-171.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1992. Who Can Be Morally Obligated to Be a Vegetarian? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5(2): 189-215.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1993. Arguing Away Suffering: The Neo Cartesian Revival. Between the Species 9(1): 27-41.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1993. On Vegetarianism, Morality, and Science: A Counter Reply. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 6(2): 185-213.

Pluhar, Evelyn 1995. Beyond Prejudice. The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals. Durham, NC, Duke University Press.

Pluhar, Evelyn 2010. Meat and Morality: Alternatives to Factory Farming. Society and Animals 23(5): 455-468.

Popp, Alexander / Lotze-Campen, Hermann 2012. Klimaschutz an der Fleischtheke. Die globale erwärmung und die Rolle der Landwirtschaft. In. Bartmann, Wolfgang (ed.). Not für die Welt. Ernährung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Gütersloh, Brockhaus: 148-155.

Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. 2009. Review: Gregory, James 2007. Of Victorians and Vegetarians. The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Dissertation). London, Tauris. . Journal of British Studies 48(2): 534-536.

Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press, Imprint of ABC - Clio www.abc-clio.com.

Rapport, Jeremy 2009. Eating for Unity: Vegetarianism in the Early Unity School of Christianity. Gastronomica 9(2): 35-44.

Regan, Tom 1975. The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5: 181-214. Reprint in Regan, T. 1985. All That Dwell Therein. Berkeley, CA.

Regan, Tom 1980. Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights. Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 305-324.

Remmel, Sabine 2011. Gesellschaftliche Ansätze zur nachhaltigen Reduktion von Fleischkonsum in Österreich (Diplomarbeit), Universität Wien.

Richards, Stewart 1981. Forethoughts for Carnivores. Philosophy 56: 73-88.

Ritvo, Harriet 2010. Review: Gregory, James 2007. Of Victorians and Vegetarians. The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Dissertation). London, Tauris. English Historical Review 125(513): 460-462.

Rogerson, Kenneth F. 2002. On the Morality of Eating Animals. Southwest Philosophy Review 18(1): 105-111.

Romo, Lynsey Kluever / Donovan-Kicken, Erin 2012. “Actually, I Don't Eat Meat”: A Multiple-Goals Perspective of Communication About Vegetarianism. Communication Studies 63(4): 405-420.

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