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ECSSV - Encyclopedia for Cultural and Social Studies on Vegetarianism and Veganism. ISSN: (coming soon)

The FEWD at University of Vienna and the INCSSV - International Network for Cultural and Social Studies on Vegetarianism and Veganism coordinate the ECSSV.
The ECSSV editorial board tries to include scholars from all European countries. Further members are from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Brazil and selected other countries from Asia, Africa and the Americas.

First step to establish the ECSSV was a thesaurus for a useful list of entries. A very helpful source was Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press.
The basic ECSSV list of entries is now completed and scholars are invited to write articles on selected terms. The articles will be stored in the
quarterly updated ECSSV entry archive with a permanent stable URL. The ECSSV will obtain an ISSN = International Standard Serial Number at www.issn.org.

The ECSSV supports mainly the APA Style – apastyle.org. The ECSSV, as an online periodical, should therefore be cited in the following format.
Author, (year). Title of Entry. Encyclopedia for Cultural and Social Studies on Vegetarianisms and Veganism. Volume, pp-pp. Retrieved from vegstudies.univie.ac.at/ecssv-entries/archive/ xxxxxxx

Universität Wien,
Universitätsring 1,
1010 Wien

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