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FEWD at University of Vienna 2017.02.05 ECSSV bibliography on vegetarianism / veganism in the social sciences and humanities, alphabetical organized. Online at  vegstudies.univie.ac.at/bibliographies

Search results in Philosophers Index www.philinfo.org 167 (animal rights 508!), Sociological Abstracts 104, Social Sciences Citation Index 532, PsycINFO 198, MLA 99, Communication Abstracts 19, Econlit, Humanities Sources – EBSCO 387, Arts & Humanities Citation Index 102, Historical Abstracts – EBSCO 66.

Good starting points for research: Ruby, Matthew 2012. Research Review: Vegetarianism. A blossoming field of study. Appetite 58: 141-150; Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press, Imprint of ABC – Clio; International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition - ICVN, since 1987 every five year. Next ICVN will be in February 2018 vegetariannutrition.org


Aaltola, Elisa 2012. Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture (Palgrave MacMillan Animal Ethics). Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan.


Aaltola, Elisa 2011 The Philosophy behind the movement. Animal studies versus Animal Rights. Society and Animals 19: 391-404.


Adams, Carol J. 2012. Finding necrophilia in meat eating. Mary Daly's evolving FemVeg perspective. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 28(2): 93-98.


Adams, Carol J. 2010. Why feminist-vegan now? Feminism & Psychology 20(3): 302–317.


Adams, Carol J. 1995. Comments on George's `Should feminists be vegetarians?'. Signs 21: 221-22.


Adams, Carol J. 1990. The Sexual Politics of Meat. A Feminist- Vegetarian Critical Theory. (Second Edition 2000, 20th Anniversary Edition 2010). New York, NY, Continuum.


Albala, Ken (ed.) 2013. Routledge International Handbook of Food Studies (Routledge International Handbooks). Oxford, Routledge.


Albala, Ken 2002. Insensible Perspiration and Oily Vegetable Humor: An Eighteenth-Century Controversy over Vegetarianism. Gastronomica 2 (3): 29-36.


Albu, Mihai 1999. New Religious Movements [of Eastern Origin] in Romania. Revista Romana de Sociologie 10 (1-2): 101-120.


Aleksic, Jelena 2001. Ideology of Food. Carnivorous vs Vegetarian. Teorija in Praksa - Ljubljana 38 (2): 307-327.


Alewaeters, K. /  et al. 2005. Cross-sectional analysis of BMI and some lifestyle variables in Flemish vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians. Ergonomics 48(11-14): 1433-1444.


Allen, Michael W. / Gupta, Richa / Monnier, Arnaud 2008. The Interactive Effect of Cultural Symbols and Human Values on Taste Evaluation. Journal of Consumer Research 35(2): 294-308.


Allen, Michael W. / Baines, Surinder 2002. Manipulating the symbolic meaning of meat to encourage greater acceptance of fruits and vegetables and less proclivity for red and white meat. Appetite 38: 118-130.


Allen, Michael W. / Wilson, Marc / Ng, Sik Hung / Dunne, Michael 2000. Values and Beliefs of Vegetarians and Omnivores. The Journal of Social Psychology 140(4): 405-422.


Allhoff, Fritz (ed.) 2008. Wine & Philosophy: A Symposium on Thinking and Drinking. Malden, MA, Blackwell.


Allhoff, Fritz /  Monroe, Dave (eds.) 2007. Food and Philosophy: Eat, Think, and Be Merry. Malden, MA, Blackwell.


Almassi, Ben 2011. The Consequences of Individual Consumption. A Defence of Threshold Arguments for Vegetarianism and Consumer Ethics. Journal of Applied Philosophy 28(4): 396-411.


Amato, Paul R. /  Partridge, Sonia A. 1989. The New Vegetarians. Promoting Health and Protecting Life. New York, NY, Plenum Press.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014. Sixth International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Proceedings of a symposium held in Loma Linda, CA.  100 (1): 303S - 502S.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009. Fifth International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Proceedings of a symposium held in Loma Linda, CA. 89: 1541S-1716S.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003. Fourth International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Proceedings of a symposium held in Loma Linda, CA.  78: 501S-668S.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999. Third International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition: Proceedings of a symposium held in Loma Linda, CA. 70: 429S-634S.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994. Second International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition: Proceedings of a symposium held in Arlington, VA.  59 (5): 1099S-1262S.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1988. First International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition: Proceedings of a congress held in Washington, DC.  48 (3): 707-927.


Almeida, Michael J.  /  Bernstein, Mark H. 2000. Opportunistic Carnivorism. Journal of Applied Philosophy 17(2): 205-212?


Ammer, Elisabeth 2012. Veganthropology. Eine anthropologische Untersuchung des Veganismus und seiner kulturellen und sozio-politischen Ausprägungen in Form von Konsumkritik, Wissenstransfer und Gestaltung von Lebensstilkonzepten. Master-Arbeit. Wien, Universität Wien.


Anderson, Michael W. 1999. Field of Forgotten Dreams: The Ill-Fated Vegetarian Colony in Kansas. Kansas Heritage 7(3): 13-16.


Appleby, Paul N.  / et al. 1999. The Oxford Vegetarian Study: an overview. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70: 525S–31S.


Alsdorf, Ludwig 2010. The history of vegetarianism and cow-veneration in India. Translated from the German by Bal Patil. (Ed. with add. notes, a bibliogr. and four appendices by Willem Bollée) London, Routledge.


Alward, Peter 2000. The Naive Argument against Moral Vegetarianism. Environmental Values 9(1): 81-89.


Ashby, Michael A. / Rich, Leigh E. 2013. Eating people is wrong ... or how we decide morally what to eat. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2): 129-131.


Astleithner, Florentina 2007. Fleischkonsum als Kriterium für nachhaltige Ernährungspraktiken. In. Brunner, Karl-Michael / et al. (Hg.). Ernährungsalltag im Wandel. Wien, Springer: 149-171.


Audebert, Olivier /  Deiss, Veronique /  Rousset, Sylvie 2006. Hedonism as a predictor of attitudes of young French women towards meat. Appetite 46: 239-247.


Auxter, Thomas 1979. The Right Not to Be Eaten. Inquiry 22: 221-230.


Back, Kurt W. /  Glasgow, Margaret 1981. Social Networks and Psychological Conditions in Diet Preferences: Gourmets and Vegetarians. Basic and Applied Social Psychology (BASP) 2(1): 1-9.


Bailey, Cathryn 2007. We Are What We Eat: Feminist Vegetarianism and the Reproduction of Racial Identity. Hypatia 22(2): 39-59.


Baker, Anna H. / Wardle, Jane 2003. Sex differences in fruit and vegetable intake in older adults. Appetite 40(3): 269-275.


Baker, Susan / Thompson, Keith E. / Palmer-Barnes, David 2002. Crisis in the meat industry: a values-based approach to communications strategy. Journal of Marketing Communications 8 (1): 19-30.


Ballard, Richard 2010. ‘Slaughter in the suburbs’. livestock slaughter and race in post-apartheid cities. Ethnic and Racial Studies 33(6): 1069-1087.


Barahal, Hyman S. 1946. The cruel vegetarian. Psychiatric Quarterly 20: 3-13.


Bardone-Cone, Anna / et al. 2012. Inter-Relationships between Vegetarianism and Eating Disorders among Females. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 112(8): 1247-1252.


Barilan, Y. Michael 2004. The vision of vegetarianism and peace: Rabbi Kook on the ethical treatment of animals. History of the Human Sciences 17 (4): 69-101.


Barkas, Janet 1975. Vegetable Passion: History of the Vegetarian State of Mind. London, Routledge.


Barlösius, Eva  1999. Soziologie des Essens. Eine sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Einführung in die Ernährungsforschung. Weinheim, Juventa Verlag.


Barnes-Holmes, Dermot /  et al. 2010. Using The Implicit Association Test And The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure To Measure Attitudes Toward Meat And Vegetables In Vegetarians And Meat-Eaters. The Psychological Record 60: 287-306.


Barr, Susan I. /  Chapman, Gwen E. 2002. Perceptions and practices of self-defined current vegetarian, former vegetarian, and nonvegetarian women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102(3): 354-360.


Bas, Murat /  et al. 2005. Vegetarianism and eating disorders: Association between eating attitudes and other psychological factors among Turkish adolescents. Appetite 44(3): 309-315.


Bastian, Brock / Loughnan, Steve / Haslam, Nick / Radke, Helena R. M. 2012. Don’t Mind Meat? The Denial of Mind to Animals Used for Human Consumption. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38: 247-256.


Bastian, Bastian / Costello, Kimberly / Loughnan, Steve / Hodson, Gordon 2012. When closing the human-animal divide expands moral concern: The importance of framing. Social Psychological and Personality Science 3: 421-429.


Bauberot, Arnaud 2008. Hygienic Reform Project of Lifestyle: Naturists and Vegetarians during the Belle Epoque. French Politics, Culture and Society 26(3): 1 -22.


Beardsworth, Alan / Keil, Teresa 1991. Health-related beliefs and dietary practices among vegetarians and vegans. A qualitative study. Health Education Journal 50(1): 38-42.


Beardsworth, Alan / Keil, Teresa 1991. Vegetarianism, veganism and meat avoidance. Recent trends and findings. British Food Journal 93(4): 19-24.


Beardsworth, Alan 1992. The vegetarian option: varieties, conversions, motives and careers. The Sociological Review 40(2): 253-293.


Beardsworth, Alan / Keil, Teresa 1992. The vegetarian option: varieties, conversions, motives and careers. The Sociological Review 40(2): 253-293.


Beardsworth, Alan /  Keil, Teresa 1993. Contemporary vegetarianism in the UK - Challenge and incorporation. Appetite 20(3): 229-234.


Beardsworth, Alan / Keil, Teresa 1997. Sociology on the Menu: Invitation to the Study of Food and Society. (Pages 193-241 Meat/Vegetarianism). London, Routledge.


Beardsworth, Alan /  Bryman, Alan 1999. Meat consumption and vegetarianism among young adults in the UK An empirical study. British Food Journal 101(4): 289-300.


Beardsworth, Alan /  Bryman, Alan /  Keil, Teresa 2002. Women, men and food: The significance of gender for nutritional attitudes and choices. British Food Journal 104: 470-491.


Beardsworth, Alan /  Bryman, Alan 2004. Meat Consumption and Meat Avoidance Among Young People. An Eleven Year Longitudinal Study. British Food Journal 106(4): 313-327.


Beardsworth, Alan 2004. Understanding Vegetarianism. A Sociological Perspective on the Abstension from Meat in the Contemporary West. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 45 (4): 543-569.


Beekman, Volkert 2000. You are What You Eat: Meat, Novel Protein Foods, and Consumptive Freedom. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2): 185-196.


Becvar, Wolf Dieter / Radojicic, Nedeljko  2009. How Vegan Are You? Ein kultursoziologisches Portfolio der veganen Community im Wandel zwischen Konsumverweigerung und Lebensstilkonzepten. (Magisterarbeit, Universität Wien, ). Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag.


Beezhold, Bonnie L. / Radnitz, Cynthia / Rinne, Amy / DiMatteo, Julie 2014. Vegans report less stress and anxiety than omnivores. Nutritional Neuroscience 17: dx.doi.org/10.1179/1476830514Y.0000000164.


Beezhold, Bonnie L. / Johnston, Carol S. 2012. Short Report. Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood. A pilot randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal 11 (9): doi:10.1186/1475-2891-11-9  www.nutritionj.com/content/11/1/9.


Beezhold, Bonnie L.    / Johnston, Carol S. / Daigle, Deanna R. 2010. Vegetarian diets are associated with healthy mood states: a cross-sectional study in Seventh Day Adventist adults. Nutrition Journal 6 (26): doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-26 www.nutritionj.com/content/9/1/26.


Bekoff, Marc (ed.) ²2010. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2 Volume Set. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press, www.abc-clio.com


Belasco, Warren J. 2008. Food. The Key Concepts. Oxford, Berg.


Belasco, Warren J. / Scranton, Philip (Hg.) 2002. Food Nations: Selling Taste in Consumer Societies. New York, Routledge. - Belasco, Warren J.  Food matters. Perspectives on an Emerging Field – page 1-15.


Belasco, Warren J. / Murcott. Anne / Jackson, Peter (eds.) 2013. The Handbook of Food Research. London, Bloomsbury.


Benatar, David 2001. Why the Naive Argument against Moral Vegetarianism Really is Naive. Environmental Values 10(1): 103-112.


Benbow, Heather Merle 2006. "Was auf den Tisch kam, mußte aufgegessen […] werden": Food, Gender, and Power in Kafka's Letters and Stories. German Quarterly 79(3): 347-365.


Berger, Leonie 2004. Weder Fleisch noch Fisch. Vegetarier und Veganer. In. Thimm, Utz (Hg.). In aller Munde: Ernährung heute. Frankfurt a. M., Suhrkamp: 91-102.


Beverland, Michael B. 2014. Sustainable Eating: Mainstreaming Plant-Based Diets In Developed Economies. Journal of Macromarketing 34 (3): 369-382.


Bibel, Barbara 2011. Reviewed Item: Puskar. Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism Santa Barbara, CA. Booklist 107(9/10): 117.


Bickel, Lisa Katharina 2012. Zwischen Kulturtransfer und nationaler Identitätssuche. Zur Geschichte des Vegetarismus in Polen. In. Schwell, Alexandra (Ed.). Orts-Erkundungen. Der Stadt auf der Spur. Wien, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien: 30-38.


Bilewicz, Michal / Imhoff, Roland / Drogosz, Marek 2011. Research article. The humanity of what we eat: Conceptions of human uniqueness among vegetarians and omnivores. European Journal of Social Psychology 41: 201-209 dx.doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.766.


Blackburne, Linda 1991.02.15. 'One in ten vegetarian' aim for the millennium. Times Educational Supplement (3894): 6.


Block, Gary 2003. The Moral Reasoning of Believers in Animal Rights. Society and Animals 11(2): 167-180.


Boje, Christiane 2009, (2010). VEGETARIER! KAROTTE! GURKENHEINI! Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Darstellungs- und Inszenierungspraktiken des Vegetarismus im zeitgenössischen Film (Dissertation). Köln.


Bollhöfer, Michaela 2012/3. Vegetarismus (Teil 1) Bedeutung, Formen und ernährungsphysiologische Beurteilung. Ernährungs Umschau 59: 9-12.


Bollhöfer, Michaela 2012/4. Vegetarismus (Teil 1). Bedeutung, Formen und ernährungsphysiologische Beurteilung. Ernährungs Umschau 59: 13-16.


Bordi, Ivonne Vizcarra  1999. Around the Plate. The Alimentary Act in Society and Culture. A Review Essay. Anthropologie et Societes 23 (2): 145-151.


Bosworth, Brendon 2013. Spreading the word: Communicating about veganism (Master Thesis). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.


Boyle, Joseph E. 2011. Becoming vegetarian. The eating patterns and accounts of newly practicing vegetarians. Food and Foodways 19(4): 314-333.


Boyle, Joseph E. 2008. Becoming vegetarian: An analysis of the vegetarian career using an integrated model of deviance. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68(10): 4485.


Bradya, Jennifer / Ventrescaa, Matthew 2014. “Officially A Vegan Now”: On Meat and Renaissance Masculinity in Pro Football. Food and Foodways 22 (4): 300-321.


Brang, Peter 2002. Ein unbekanntes Russland. Kulturgeschichte vegetarischer Lebensweisen von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Köln, Böhlau.


Bratanova, Boyka  /  Loughnan, Steve / Bastian, Brock 2011. The effect of categorization as food on the perceived moral standing of animals. Appetite 57: 193-196.


Breuss, Susanne 2007.08.18. Fleischlos in eine bessere Welt - Ausstellung "Im Wirtshaus. Eine Geschichte der Wiener Geselligkeit" im Wien Museum am Karlsplatz. Wiener Zeitung:


Breyvogel, Wilfried (ed.) 2005. Eine Einführung in Jugendkulturen. Veganismus und Tattoos. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Brinkman, Britney G. / Khan, Aliya / Edner, Benjamin / Rosen, Lee A. 2014. Self-objectification, feminist activism and conformity to feminine norms among female vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, and non-vegetarians. Eating Behaviors 15 (1): 171-174.


Brittin, Helen C. 2010. The Food and Culture Around the World Handbook. London, Pearson Education.


Broad, Garrett M. 2013. Vegans for Vick: Dogfighting, Intersectional Politics, and the Limits of Mainstream Discourse. International Journal of Communication 7: 780-800.


Brodard, Pierre 2010. From the Austrian Sausage Carna vegetale to the Swiss Spread Le Parfait: Meat Substitutes in Peace and in Wartime (1908-1959). Food and History 8 (2): 25-43.


Brooks, R. /  Kemm, J.R. 1979. Vegan diet and lifestyle. A preliminary study by postal questionnaire. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 38(1): 15A (only Abstract).


Brunner, Karl-Michael / Geyer, Sonja / Jelenko, Marie / Weiss, Walpurga / Astleithner, Florentina. 2007. Ernährungsalltag im Wandel. Wien, Springer.


Brumberg-Kraus, Jonathan 2014. "Better a Meal of Vegetables with Love": The Symbolic Meaning of Vegetables in Rabbinic and Post-Rabbinic Midrash on Proverbs 15.17. Jewish Quarterly Review 104 (1): 46-56.


Buchner, Ursula / et al. (eds.) 2011. Methodische Leckerbissen. Beiträge zur Didaktik der Ernährungsbildung. Innsbruck, Studien Verlag.


Burkholder, Nasira / Sabate, Joan / et al. 2014. Comparison of food intake of vegetarian and non-vegetarian adolescents. FASEB Journal 28 (1): 1024.12.


Burnett, John 2004. England Eats Out: A Social History of Eating Out in England from 1830 to the Present. Harlow, Pearson / Longman.


Butterfield, Max E. / et al. 2012. Mangy mutt or furry friend? Anthropomorphism promotes animal welfare. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48(4): 957-960.


Calarco, Matthew 2004. Deconstruction Is Not Vegetarianism: Humanism, Subjectivity, and Animal Ethics. Continental Philosophy Review 37(2): 175-201.


California Studies in Food and Culture - 2013  the 46th volume in print www.ucpress.edu/books/series/csfc.php


Calkins, A. 1979. Observations on vegetarian dietary practice and social factors. The need for further research. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 74(3): 353-355. 


Calvert, Amy 2014. You Are What You (M)eat: Explorations of Meat-eating, Masculinity and Masquerade. Journal of International Women's Studies 16 (1): 18-33  vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol16/iss1/3/  siehe auch www.vegan.eu/index.php/meldung-komplett/items/fleisch_frauenverachtung.html


Calvert, Samantha Jane 2012. Reviewed Item: Gilheany, John M. 2010. Familiar Strangers: The Church and the Vegetarian Movement in Britain (1809-2009). Journal of Ecclesiastical History 63 (3): 637-638.


Calvert, Samantha Jane 2007. A Taste of Eden: Modern Christianity and Vegetarianism. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 58(3): 461-481.


Capatti, Alberto 2004. The birth of vegetarian associations in Italy. Food and History 2 (1): 167-190.


Caplan, Pat 2008. Crossing the Veg/Non-Veg Divide: Commensality and Sociality Among the Middle Classes in Madras/Chennai. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 31(1): 118-142.


Caro, Mark 2009. The Foie Gras Wars: How a 5,000-Year-Old Delicacy Inspired the World's Fiercest Food Fight. New York, NY, Simon & Schuster.


Carolan, Michael 2012. The Sociology of Food and Agriculture. London, Routledge.


Carruth, Allison 2013. Culturing Food. Bioart and In Vitro Meat. Parallax: A Journal of Metadiscursive Theory and Cultural Practices 19 (1): 88-100.


Cechova, D. 1995. Vegetarians in the lights of Freiburg personality-inventory. Ceskoslovenska psychologie 39 (2): 150-158.


Chang, Ch'iu-wen 1987. The antimissionary attack by the Vegetarian Society in Ku-t'ien county. (Original article in Chinese). Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 16: 111-128.


Chapple, Christopher K. 1993. Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions. Albany, State University of New York Press.


Chartier, Gary 2005. Consumers, Boycotts, and Non-Human Animals. Buffallo Environmental Law Journal 12: 123-194.


Chartier, Gary 2006. On the Threshold Argument against Consumer Meat Purchases. Journal of Social Philosophy 37(2): 233-249.


Cherry, Elizabeth 2014. I was a teenage vegan: Motivation and maintenance of lifestyle movements.  (Focus on Punks). Sociological Inquiry: Preprint online.


Cherry, Elizabeth 2010. Shifting Symbolic Boundaries. Cultural Strategies of the Animal Rights Movement. Sociological Forum 25 (3): 450-475.


Cherry, Elizabeth 2006. Veganism as a Cultural Movement: A Relational Approach. Social Movement Studies 5(2): 155-170.


Chiles, Robert Magneson 2013. If They Come, We Will Build It: In Vitro Meat and the Discursive Struggle over Future Agrofood Expectations. Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4): 511-523.


Chiles, Robert M. 2013. Intertwined ambiguities. Meat, in vitro meat, and the ideological construction of the marketplace. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 12 (6): 472-482.


Chin, Matthew G. / Fisak, Brian / Sims, Valerie K. 2002. Development of the attitudes toward vegetarians scale. Anthrozoös 15(4): 332-342.


Chiou, Lang-Roy / Chen, Chin-Hung  / Chiang, Ching-San   2009. Modern Menu Classics of Vegetarian Restaurant in Research - LOHAS Orient. In. ISSAT - International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design. Proeeding: 296-300. - www.issatconferences.org


Christensen, Larry /  Brooks, Alisa 2006. Changing Food Preference as a Function of Mood. Journal of Psychology 140(4): 293-306


Chunwu, Fan 2010. Lu Bicheng and the international vegetarian movement in modern China. (Original Chinese ). Qing History Journal 78 (2): 105-113.


Ciocchetti, Christopher 2011. Veganism and Living Well. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24: 1-13 (http://www.springerlink.com/content/n1053843r1u1lq15/ ).


Cohen, Erik 2012. The Vegetarian Festival and the city pillar: the appropriation of a Chinese religious custom for a cult of the Thai civic religion. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 10 (1): 1-21.


Cole, Jennifer Rivers / McCoskey, Suzanne 2013. Does global meat consumption follow an environmental Kuznets curve? Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 9 (2): sspp.proquest.com/archives/vol9iss2/1207-031.dagevos.html 


Cole, Mark B. 2009. Reviewed Item: Berry, Rynn 2004. Hitler: Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover. New York, Pythagorean Publishers. Food, Culture & Society 12 (4): 563-566.


Cole, Matthew /  Morgan, Karen 2011. Vegaphobia: derogatory discourses of veganism and the reproduction of speciesism in UK national newspaper. British Journal of Sociology 61(1): 134-153.


Cole, Matthew 2011. From ‘animal machines’ to ‘happy meat’? Foucault’s ideas of disciplinary and pastoral power applied to ‘animal-centred’ welfare discourse. Animals 1(1): 83-101 Online at: www.mdpi.com/journal/animals.


Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2011. The discursive representation of nonhuman animals in a culture of denial. In. Carter, Bob / Charles, Nickie (eds.). Humans and Other Animals: Critical Perspectives. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan: 112-132.


Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2011. Veganism contra speciesism: Beyond debate (Special Issue: Animals in Human Societies). The Brock Review 12(1): 144-163 brock.scholarsportal.info/journals/brockreview/issue/view/44


Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2009. "... a faddish, fanatical diet cult" Anti-vegan bias in UK newspaper. The Vegan. The magazine of the Vegan Society(2 Summer): 6-7.


Cole, Matthew / Stewart, Kate 2009. The conceptual separation of food and animals in childhood. Food, Culture & Society 12(4): 457-476.


Cole, Matthew / et al. 2009. Animal foods and climate change:  Shadowing eating practices. International Journal of Consumer Studies 33(2): 162-167.


Cole, Matthew 2008. Asceticism and hedonism in research discourses of veg*anism. British Food Journal 110(6-7): 706-716.


Comstock, Gary 1994. Might morality require veganism? Introduction. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 6: 3-6.


Contoisa, Emily 2014. Reviewed item: Shprintzen, Adam D. 2013. The Vegetarian Crusade. The Rise of an American Reform Movement. Food and Foodways 22 (4): 348-350.


Cooper, Charles K. /  et al. 1985. Psychological and cognitive characteristics of vegetarians. Psychosomatics 26: 521-527.


Copelton, Denise A. 2006. Reviewed Item: Maurer, Donna 2002. Vegetarianism. Movement or Moment? Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press. Food and Foodways 41: 55-58.


Corse, Taylor 2010. Dryden's "Vegetarian" Philosopher: Pythagoras. Eighteenth-Century Life 34(1): 1-28.


Counihan, Carole (ed.) 2014. Food Activism: Agency, Democracy and Economy. London, Bloomsbury.


Counihan, Carole / Van Esterik, Penny (eds.) 2013. Food and Culture. A Reader 3rd Edition. New York, NY, Routledge.


Counihan, Carole / Williams-Forson, Psyche (eds.) 2012. Taking Food Public: Redefining Foodways in a Changing World. New York, NY, Routledge.


Counihan, Carole / Williams-Forson, Psyche (eds.) 2012. Taking Food Public: Redefining Foodways in a Changing World. New York, NY, Routledge.


Crnic, Ales 2013S. Studying Social Aspects of Vegetarianism: A Research Proposal on the Basis of a Survey Among Adult Population of Two Slovenian Biggest Cities. Collegium Antropologicum - Croatia 37 (4): 1111-1120.


Crnic, Ales 2012. Social and cultural aspects of vegetarianism and its perceptions. Druzboslovne Razprave 28: 113-134.


Crisp, Roger 1988. Utilitarianism and Vegetarianism. International Journal of Applied Philosophy 4: 41-49.


Cronin, James M. / McCarthy, Mary B. / Collins, Alan M. 2014. Covert distinction: how hipsters practice food-based resistance strategies in the production of identity. Consumption, Markets and Culture 17 (1): 2-28.


Crossley, Ceri 2005. Consumable Metaphors. Attitudes towards Animals and Vegetarianism in Nineteenth-Century France. Oxford, Peter Lang.


Crous, Marius 2012. Eben Venter as gewete van die vleiseters. Journal of Literary Studies 28(1): 69-79.


Crowley, Ethel 2004. Reviewed Item: Maurer, Donna 2002. Vegetarianism. Movement or Moment? Philadelphia, Temple University Press. Agriculture and Human Values 21: 423.


Curnutt, Jordan 1997. A New Argument for Vegetarianism. Journal of Social Philosophy 23(3): 53-172.


Curtin, Deane W. / Heldke, Lisa M. (eds.) 1992. Cooking, Eating, Thinking. Transformative Philosophies of Food. Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press.


Curtin, Deane 1991. Toward an Ecological Ethic of Care. Contextual Moral Vegetarianism. Hypatia 6(1): 60-74.


Curtis, Morgan J. /  Comer, Lisa K. 2006. Vegetarianism, dietary restraint and feminist identity. Eating Behaviors 7(2): 91-104.


Dagevos, Hans / Voordouw, Jantine 2013. Sustainability and meat consumption: is reduction realistic? Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 9 (2): sspp.proquest.com/static_content/vol9iss2/1207-031.dagevos.pdf


Dalby, Andrew 1996. Siren Feasts: A History of Food and Gastronomy in Greece. London, Routledge.


David, William H. 1976. Man-Eating Aliens. Journal of Value Inquiry 10: 178-185.


Davis, John 2012.11.31. The Future of the Movement? www.vegsource.com/john-davis/the-future-of-the-movement.html.


Davis, Steven L. 2003. The Least Harm Principle May Require That Humans Consume a Diet Containing Large Herbivores, Not a Vegan Diet. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16: 387–394.


Dean, Megan A. 2014. You Are How You Eat? Femininity, Normalization, and Veganism as an Ethical Practice of Freedom. Societies 4 (2): 127-147.


De Backer, Charlotte J. S. / Hudders, Liselot 2015. Meat morals: relationship between meat consumption consumer attitudes towards human and animal welfare and moral behavior. Meat Science 99: 68-74.


De Backer, Charlotte J. S. / Hudders, Liselot 2014. From Meatless Mondays to Meatless Sundays: Motivations for Meat Reduction among Vegetarians and Semi-vegetarians Who Mildly or Significantly Reduce Their Meat Intake. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 55: 639-657. Abstract: "This study explores vegetarians’ and semi-vegetarians’ motives for reducing their meat intake. ... Most differences appear between vegetarians and both groups of semi-vegetarians. Animal-rights and ecological concerns, together with taste preferences, predict vegetarianism, while an increase in health motives increases the odds of being semi-vegetarian."


de Boer, Joop / Aiking, Harry  2011. On the merits of plant-based proteins for global food security: Marrying macro and micro perspectives. Ecological Economics 70: 1259-1265.


Deckers, Jan 2011. Should Whiteheadians Be Vegetarians? A Critical Analysis of the Thoughts of Hartshorne and Dombrowski. Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (2): 195-209.


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